

Term used to define the measurement of a Learner’s satisfaction with the content and learning experience and/or the perception of bias within the activity. Evaluations can provide a far richer understanding of learning and impact beyond correct/incorrect test questions.



Evaluations can be paper-based or electronic (via online software or applications). Evaluation question structure is often multiple choice, "select all" style, or agreement scales (e.g., Likert-like), but a variety of question formats may be used.



Moore et al. JCEHP, 29(1):1–15, 2009

Shewchuk RM, et al. JCEHP 2007:27:173-82.



Satisfaction      This CME activity met my expectations

Minimally                             Completely

N/A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Addressed my most pressing questions                
Addressed competencies identified by my specialty                
Provided fair and balanced content                
Provided clear evidence to support content                
Included opportunities to learn interactively from faculty and participants                
Provided me with supporting materials or tools for my office (reminders, patient materials, etc.)                
Included opportunities to solve patient cases                
Allowed me to assess what I have learned                
Translated trial data to patients I see in my practice                
Addressed barriers to my optimal patient management                


Additional Contextual Information:

  • It is recommended that Providers utilize previously validated instruments in their evaluation of Satisfaction. In keeping with the vision of the standardization project, the use of validated instruments to measure Satisfaction provides the community with a means to analyze, pool, and report data.
  • Evaluations are also often used by Providers to collect additional demographic or preference data that might augment outcomes analysis and reporting and support the development of future educational interventions.