Completion Rate


Term used to define the percentage of Learners that completed the core educational content/intervention. The Completion Rate is a ratio of one stage of the Participation Funnel and provides specific insights into the quality of the educational content and experience.



Simple calculation: [# of HCPs who Completed an Activity (Completers)] / [# of HCPs who Started the activity (Learners)] x 100.



Consensus Opinion



Of the 350 Learners who Started a video-based, online asthma activity, 175 finished the video.

  • Completion Rate = 50%

Of the 125 Learners who Started a branched-case, online diabetes activity, 65 reached the end of the case.

  • Completion Rate = 52%

Of the 200 Learners who attended a symposium at the annual meeting, 125 were still in the room at the conclusion of the event.

  • Completion Rate = 63%


Additional Contextual Information:

  • While the Participation Funnel provides insights into the overall experience of an HCP from intended reach through to credit request and fulfillment, the Completion Rate often provides unique insight to the actual content and learning experience.
  • The OSP Steering Team also recognizes that not every Learner needs to complete an activity to derive value and learn what they needed to learn. It is not our intention to ascribe some value to the completion of an Activity, other than to standardized its definition.
  • It is recognized that some formats may not allow for a count of Starts and/or Completions – and that is fine - in such a case Completion Rate cannot be reported. Other elements of the Participation Funnel, that can be measured, should be used instead.